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pyDoctor Medical Website:
Static HTML website
A responsive page for all devices
Domain integration
Place images
Set up pages or delete pages
Set titles and description
Set Logo and icon of the company
Theme color of the company
Links to social media icons (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
Set services and information of the company
Contact page( map, address, location)
About us page, picture, and profile
Footer information and Copyright
Email sending integration
Calendar for appointments
SSL Certificate-Secure
PageFAVICON for ICONE the page when you look for the site name
Solution: | Website |
pyDoctor IS NOT another WordPress theme. With years of experience in website development, pyDoctor is a custom built medical solution programmed in Python with a no coding required attitude. One of the best ways to get a good idea of what you can do with pyDoctor is to view its demo. The demo is fully customizable, and the primary features and functions you would require are free to test.
pyDoctor proporciona integración con el sistema de mapeo del Mapa de Google
Servicio de mapeo pagado. pyDoctor está optimizado para no exceder el crédito gratuito de $ 200 ofrecido mensualmente por el Mapa de Google.
Un video de presentación médica diseñado profesionalmente con Adobe After Effects. Destaque de la competencia con un diseño de video moderno y profesional para su sitio web médico.
Las presentaciones incluyen texto e imágenes personalizados junto con exportación y renderizado a varios formatos. Puede usar su nueva Presentación médica en su sitio web, redes sociales y otros anuncios.